Home/Notícias/Draft 2022 Financial Statements approved
Draft 2022 Financial Statements approved

During its meeting held in Pesaro today, the Board of Directors of Biesse S.p.A. – Mid Cap company listed at the Euronext STAR - Milan – approved the Consolidated Annual Financial Report 2022 as well as the Draft Financial Statements for the financial year ended on 31.12.2022.

“The results achieved during the past year and approved today - comments following the Board of Directors’ meeting the Group’s CFO Pierre La Tour – bear testimony to how Biesse has taken full advantage of the global demand for capital goods, closing 2022 with volumes that represent record levels and performances that are significantly in advance versus those considered in the Strategic Plan.

  • Consolidated net revenues of 822.4 million euros (+10.8% compared to 2021 and +28.2% compared to 2020)

  • Value Added of 342 million euros (+9.6% compared to 2021), 41.6% of revenues (42% in 2021)

  • EBITDA of 90.6 million euros (+13.7% compared to 2021), 11% of revenues (10.7% in 2021)

  • EBIT, after non-recurring events, of 50.7 million euros (45.7 million euros in 2021) 6.2% of revenues (6.2% in 2021)

  • Net profit of 30.3 million euros (34.2 million euros in 2021), 3.7% of revenues - EPS (net profit per share) 1.11 euros

  • Tax rate 27.2% (15.6% in 2021)

Read the full press release on Governance and Investor area.

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Copyright Biesse | CF e P.IVA IT 00113220412 Reg. Imp. Pesaro Urbino Nr. 1682 | Cap. Soc. € 27.402.593 i.v