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Houtshop Van der Gucht

From small shop to large landmark, without renouncing its values.

Ideas, personalisation, quality and the right price: those are the fixed points of Houtshop Van Der Gucht, a Belgian company that skilfully took customer satisfaction and turned it into a major business.

The enterprise that is now Houtshop Van der Gucht first started on the outskirts of Temse where Prosper Van Der Gucht founded the business in the '30s. “My grandfather started this adventure by selling wicker baskets and then shifted to selling wood. We are now the fourth generation to run a company that originally started as a little shop on the edge of town and grew over the years, initially thanks to my father and now thanks to us, the fourth generation. The result is a full-fledged business, which we are very proud of,” says Nicholas Van Der Gucht, CEO of the company.

“This business started thanks to my entrepreneuring grandfather who decided to open a small shop in the centre of town in 1930. Today that small shop has become a veritable company that can celebrate 85 years of work and success and boasts a revenue of €15 million” continues Nicholas Van Der Gucht. “We serve different target groups: 35% of our customers belong to the B2B segment, while the remaining 65% belong to the B2C universe.”

Choosing a partner like Biesse has allowed us to meet our customers' needs, highlighting our strengths and helping pick up the pace of work significantly.

Nicholas Van Der Gucht - CEO

Despite years of expansion the Van der Gucht company has remained true to its distinctive traits: the continuity of its range and the professionalism of its employees, who work to ensure that customers always receive professional service and fair prices. The group employs 50 people, ten of whom are carpenters that work in close contact with the machines acquired from Biesse. “Three years ago I heard very good reports about both Biesse machines and their connectivity. SOPHIA will, in fact, be my next investment to further boost the efficiency of the factory by allowing me to connect the various machines we've purchased to each other. My first investment was in 2016, when I decided to purchase my first 5-axis Rover B1615.

Choosing a partner like Biesse has allowed us to meet our customers' needs, highlighting our strengths and helping pick up the pace of work significantly. With the help of Biesse machines, we are now able to meet an order in exactly half the time it used to take us in the past. Thanks to technology we are able to grow by 3-4% every year, achieving a return on investment of €15 million.”

Made with Biesse - Houtshop Van der Gucht

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