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Para inversores

Junta General de Accionistas

Cobertura de analistas

Negociación interna

Aumento de los derechos de voto

Shareholders' meeting 18/11/2024

18 nov
Notice of deposit
18 nov
Disclosure of voting rights
18 nov
Directors’ report presented to the ordinary shareholders’ meeting
18 nov
Notice of call of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
18 nov
Extract of the Notice of call of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
18 nov
Proxy form to confer the proxy/sub delegation to the Appointed Representative

Junta General de Accionistas

29 abr
Interventions in ordinary assembly
29 abr
Participants in ordinary assembly
29 abr
Minutes of the ordinary shareholders' meeting
29 abr
Notice of call of ordinary shareholders’ meeting
29 abr
Summary reports of the votes
29 abr
Extract of call of ordinary shareholders’ meeting

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